Sunday, April 25, 2010


April 25th, 2010

I have no comment.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is it Maamaa

This little hen decided to hop into the lambs area and check things out as you can see the Suffolk lamb is quite interested in what it is. His sister didn't care to investigate and opted to stay napping.
The little hen checked out a few other lamb pens and then decided that she'd had enough and when back to her own area.

Count Your Chickens

I ordered some Red Rock pullet chicks from Rochester Hatchery. They arrived this morning and I put them with a little banty hen who was sitting on "dud" eggs. She seemed so pleased with herself. She kept looking around as I placed the chicks near her. She must wonder how she could be sitting on seven eggs but end up with 26 baby chicks.
I checked on them a while ago and they are all happy and were jumping up on their new mother and she was clucking away telling them how wonderful they are.
I guess spring is here. We're even considering planting potatoes on the weekend. That's a good sign.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Lambing has begun here at Wind 'n' Woolly Acres. Here is a Clun Forest ewe with her just born twin lambs. They are barely ten minutes old and already following their mother's directions.

We had some rain last week and things have greened up nicely. Getting to the point where we can start to rototill the garden and think about what we want to plant. I have already started a lot of seeds indoors. I just pray that we continue to get rain each week so things will grow nicely.