Monday, March 29, 2010

We called this Rambouillet ewe "wide load" last year and as you can see she's keeping up to her nick-name. She isn't actually due for another ten days. Several of the ewes look like they are going to lamb right on the first due date.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shearing Day

Woke up to fog and poor visability but soon the sun was out and turned into a beautiful day. Good day for shearing.

Maria and Cliff

Val was in a stall at the back skirting and bagging the fleeces we want to keep for sale or our own use. Val knows so much more about wool than either Worker Boy or I and she was able to tell which ones were the best quality. So helpful too.

In a few hours we were all done and in the house eating supper. The sheep were all fed and bedded down in nice thick straw and seemed happy with their new wool-do's.

Now the next thing to get ready for is lambing that should start on or around April 9th.